Thursday, November 5, 2015

Gluteus Medius

I went to the PT on friday. It was an interesting conversation. Looking at my gait and working through my muscles. We found out that I have no major tears in my hip muscles or that I have no serious tears in my leg muscles. So this is the good news, the bad news is that I am not engaging my glutes when I run. So when I run, I end up using my psoas muscles, which are a much weaker muscle than my glutes. While doing the screening I was found to have a really weak gluteus medius. I actually couldn't hold my leg up when my PT was pushing against my leg. I was given a bunch of excersices. Does anyone have any suggestions? I would like to hear what you think I should do.

I honestly do not really understand how I can run without utilizing my glutes. It does not make sense.

So, I really have not been running much because I am trying to strengthen the glutes and relax my psoas. I however did have the pleasure of pacing at the inaugural Milwaukee Running Festival. It was a great time and I really enjoyed running in Milwaukee. I jumped in at the halfway point and I actually rode my bike on the course. It was amazing riding my bike on the empty streets in a major city. My legs felt ok, however, I was a little upset that running at a 725 pace was so difficult for me. I should be able to run that easily.

It did give me the sexiest marathon finish picture ever.

Please give me suggestions about what you think I should do. Any and all will be accepted!


  1. Maybe this might help?

  2. Thanks,a lot of these were what was recommended to me.
