Wednesday, July 15, 2015

An Ode to Running Buddies

I have been running with the Berkeley running company pretty regularly for the last two years and I have to tell you that if you have not run with us yet you are truly missing one of the best groups in Madison.

I have been running marathons since 2006 and I have been looking for a true group of running buddies since then. I ran with the DC Roadrunners when I was in Northern Virginia and the Virginia Happy Trails Running Club when I started running ultras. But when I moved to Madison, I expected to find a bunch of running groups and I didn’t find one. So I created a group, Madison Ultra Distance Runners (MUDRS ( and struggled meeting people to come run with me (although I have met a core group of friends from the group). Then I heard about the Berkeley group runs from BJ at a mutual friend’s wedding. I was intrigued and started running with him and the redsocks pretty regularly.

What I love about the redsocks is the diversity of the people. We have pure marathoners, ultramarathoners, triathletes (world class ones to boot) and xc skiers. The diversity also is represented in what we do: teachers, professors, it workers, bankers, contractors and electricians. Some of us have run super-fast marathons; some like me are still puttering around.

But what I love is that we have each other’s back. We support each other when each other are having a rough period or injury. We wait for each other at finish lines. It is what I have been missing in my running and it makes me a much stronger runner. Thanks guys!

Reminder, I am still running 10 miles each Monday from Berkeley East (Olbrich parking lot) and would love to meet some new running buddies!

UPDATE: I haven't made a 100 mile week yet. I hit 72 last week (I was sick on the day of my long run) and 70 the week before. Things are going well this week and I should hit 99 miles and I am still injury free and feeling strong. My weight hasn't dropped and I am feeling a little bit more tired (been going to bed super early at night). I can really feel the difference in my running when I eat well and when I eat poorly.

Thursday, July 2, 2015

20 inch tires and 85 miles a week

My wife is in France meaning that I am left with my 2 lovely children, a 6 year old girl and a 2 year old boy. My wife, Becky, is a great supporter of mine. She lets me travel the country, run up and down mountains and on trails. Aside from these yearly adventures, running is a distant third to being a present dad and loving husband.

When my wife told me she was going to France for a wedding, I was happy.  She rarely takes time for herself; I am glad that she gets to take a trip with her friends.  But honestly my next thought was, “How the heck am I going to get my runs in?” I usually run early in the mornings at Berkeley on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturday, and Sunday mornings.  (I run with the Redsock group, it is a really radical group of runners. Check it out if you can: )

My daughter recently learned how to ride her bike and she loves to ride her bike. So I decided that this week I would run with her while pushing my son in the jogging stroller. My daughter is fast with her new 20 inch bike! She can really cruise, I was running sub 8 minute pace and she still was ahead of me the whole time and actually had to stop and wait for me at several points. But as much as I love running with them, I also know that they will not want to hang out with me if I push them too far. So I have been running with them 5-6 miles; after lunch while my son is napping and she is reading, I will run the remainder on the treadmill. This week if everything goes as plan, I will hit 85-90 miles.  (My daughter will hit over 35 miles on her bike!!!!) 

Update on the group run! Berkeley East will meet at Olbrich Garden at 7 AM next Monday 7/6 for a seven mile run. I will have my kids in tow. We will run on the capital city trail and run towards the Capitol and back. Please bring your kids! It will be a light and easy run.
Next Wednesday 7/8 I will be there ready to do a tabata workout after the run to get some strength done! Hope you will join me!

Question of the week?
How do you manage your personal life and your running life? Family responsibilities with a running life?
Email me with any questions!